Food Blog | O'Coffee Club Atelier Cafe | Puteri Cove Quayside

Today on the blog I’m sharing a coffee place in the Puteri Harbour area - O’Coffee Club Atelier Cafe - which I believe is actually a brand that originated from Singapore. 

Context: I’ve been here twice for brunch/breakfast. Here’s what I thought of the place.

O'Coffee Club Atelier Cafe

Is it Halal?

I’ve done a bit of exploring on the net and what I’ve found is that I believe that they don’t have official halal certification - but they do source their ingredients from halal certified vendors. But as always, eat at your own discretion, confirm with the staff if you’re concerned about this. 

O'Coffee Club Interior

Where it Is

It is located in a residential area in the Puteri Harbour vicinity (it’s not directly in Puteri Harbour). This is NOT a place to go when it is raining - because a large portion of it is not under shelter. You have to park outside the residential security entrance of Puteri Cove Quayside. 

Walk in and you’ll walk past QUU and a few other shops such as the supermarket (Pasar Supermarket). Walk down the stairs and head to the left and you’ll see O’Coffee Club Atelier Cafe right there. 

Address: O’Coffee Club Atelier Cafe LG2-01 Puteri Cove Quayside, Persiaran Tanjung, Puteri Harbour 79000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia


Operating Hours

Daily: 8am - 9pm


What it Costs

The breakdown of my meals from my two experiences here would be like such.

1) Bang in Omelettes (Kind of like a big breakfast kind of offering) - added on avocado. 

  • Bang in Omelettes (RM18.90)

  • Avocado added on (RM6)

  • SST (RM1.50)

  • Total : RM26.40

2) I don’t quite remember the exact breakdown of these three things but here’s what we ordered.

  • Creamy Mushroom & Beef Pasta

  • Minced Beef Roll

  • Cafe Mocha

  • Total: RM58.30

We also ordered a dessert to share in their carrot cake.

  • Carrot Cake (RM15.80 inclusive of SST)

How it Tastes

Starting off the the Bang in Omelettes with added on Avocado. This one gets a very strong ‘meh’ from me. I think the omelettes are underwhelming, the meat is average and the whole dish in general feels pretty overpriced at RM26.40 if you want me to be perfectly honest. 


The best part of the dish for me would be the bread, but it is really the only thing that I can really compliment about this dish as a whole. 

Next up, I’ll talk about the minced beef roll. Overall, it is a yummy minced beef roll. The chips have a nice texture and taste - I’m not sure if it’s intentional or not that they leave the potato skins on or not quite simply because it is so rare that I see potato skin on fries but overall, it’s a good dish. 

Minced Beef Roll

The pastry is cooked well and the dish goes well together (well balanced with the salad as well. 

In terms of the pasta, I would say that it doesn’t knock my socks off, but it’s a solid pasta. Good amount of creaminess and saltiness coming from the beef. No real complaints about the pasta. 


What I’ll say is that this is probably not the place to be coming for good, high quality, bang for your buck food. This is not the appeal of O’Coffee Club. I’ll go more into this in the final rating. 

The coffee is decent here (and is probably the biggest appeal of coming to O’Coffee Club Atelier Cafe. 

The carrot cake is decent, but I feel as though it would be much nicer if it were hot (or at least warm) because whilst it is a yummy cake, I think carrot cake tastes better when it has that fresh out of the oven (or at least reheated) kind of temperature. 

Carrot Cake

Star Rating

7.5/10. I have to reinforce this: this is not a place to go for cheap, high quality lunch. This is a place to grab a nice, warm cup of coffee with a really nice ambiance - and I mean really nice if it is a warm, cozy day. This rating is more out of the quality of the ambience than the quality of the food - so this is just a reminder.